What is the Freeloaderz (freeloaderz.io) Submit API free service?
Submit API is a service some stake pools offer to allow users to submit transactions directly through stake pool relays, rather than having to go through the larger servers that the wallet apps use (i.e., Nami or CCVault). Because of how the eUTXO model is designed, using stake pool relays for transactions can allow for quicker transaction times for users, especially during times of high congestion on the network.
Address to use for custom API service
How do I use the ENVY custom node API?
For Nami wallet:
Click on your profile picture in the top right
Click on settings
Click on network
Click the box for Custom Node
Enter the following address exactly:
Hit Apply
For CCVault wallet:
Click on Preferences, Global Settings for this app – In the bottom left of the wallet
Click on Custom Submit API Endpoint
Toggle the option on
Enter the following address exactly:
Click Save
That’s it! You’re all set!